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<font style="font-family:Arial;font-size:11pt;color:black">Dear Marco, <br><br>We are unable to contact you at: – 2204 Chasefield Dr. about cash and grants available to the Frigerio family. <br><br>You have 24 hours from opening this email to claim your cash and grants, free laptop computer, and $500 Visa gift card just for participating in our survey. <br><br>When you participate in our survey, you will also get info about how to get the opportunity to receive $50,000 that never has to be repaid. Use it for any purpose! <br>
<br>Here is a link to the survey:<br>
<a href="">Cash and Grants Survey</a>
<br><br>Thanks for your participation,<br><br>Robert – Cash & Grant Survey Administrator<br></font>
<font style="font-family:Arial;font-size:9pt;color:black">You requested email updates about offers on 6/16/2004 12:00:00 PM from IP address</font><br>